
Health and wellness
Keeping our community informed, with guidance on how to get healthy and live well.
Check out our most recent articles!
- Measles vaccine: 5 things parents should know
- Measles outbreak: recognizing measles rash and its implications.
- When should you worry about a nosebleed? A quick guide.
- How do you know if your sinus infection is bacterial or viral?
- What viruses are going around right now? A guide for adults.
- What is a blood blister? Causes, treatment and prevention.
- Why is there blood in my urine but no pain? Key causes.
- Why you’re waking up with headaches and how to stop it.
- How to treat a cough that won’t go away: causes and solutions.
- Don’t let winter illnesses win: How to avoid getting sick.
- It’s never too late: Why you should still get a flu shot.
- Why your joints ache in winter and what you can do
- Urgent care for kids: treating fevers, rashes and everything in between.
- Do you really need antibiotics for sinus infections?
- Should you see a doctor for diarrhea? Here’s what to know.
- How long is RSV contagious? Key facts and prevention tips.
- Avoid the stomach bug: How to prevent norovirus.
- Chronic sore throat: what’s causing it and how to find lasting relief.
- Rash or hives? How to identify the difference and get the right treatment.
- Sinus pressure relief: tips for fast comfort.
- How to stop acid reflux at night: tips for a better sleep.
- Croup treatment: how to soothe your child's barking cough.
- Cold-induced asthma: how winter weather affects your breathing.
- Cold weather myths: can you really get sick from the cold?
- The hepatitis B vaccine: your best defense against a silent threat.
- Sick and thirsty? Here's what to drink when you're sick.
- Is it just a cold? How to spot walking pneumonia symptoms.
- Concussion clues: symptoms of a concussion you shouldn’t ignore.
- Feeling off? Here’s what malaise really means and how to beat it.
- Fever and a rash? What you need to know right now.
In the Know Newsletter
Looking for the scoop on the latest health news? Our CityMD patient newsletter, In the Know (formerly Up to Speed), gives you the 4-1-1 you need to know each month.