Woman having an asthma attack

Am I having an asthma attack? Signs and symptoms

If you or someone you know has ever experienced an asthma attack, you know how scary and overwhelming it can be. While many people with asthma can manage their symptoms effectively with medication and lifestyle changes, there may be times when an asthma attack strikes, and it can feel like you're struggling to catch your breath.

That's why it's essential to recognize the signs of an asthma attack and know when to seek medical attention. At your local CityMD urgent care, we provide quick and efficient care for those experiencing asthma attacks.

We'll walk you through the symptoms of an asthma attack, the difference between panic attacks and asthma attacks, and when to visit a CityMD urgent care near you for asthma treatment.

So, take a deep breath, and let's dive in.


Am I having an asthma attack?

Think you're experiencing an asthma attack? Here are the symptoms you should know about.

Asthma attack symptoms

The symptoms of an asthma attack can vary from person to person, but common signs include:

  • Wheezing. A whistling or hissing sound when breathing.
  • Shortness of breath. Difficulty breathing or feeling like you can't catch your breath.
  • Chest tightness. A feeling of tightness or pressure in the chest.
  • Coughing. A persistent cough, especially at night or early in the morning.
  • Rapid breathing. Breathing faster than usual.
  • Difficulty speaking. Talking may be difficult or feel uncomfortable due to shortness of breath.
  • Bluish lips or face. This can indicate a severe asthma attack and requires immediate medical attention.

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, seek medical attention at your local CityMD right away, as asthma attacks can be serious and even life-threatening in some cases.

You can also schedule a convenient virtual care appointment with a CityMD provider to discuss your asthma symptoms.


Asthma attack vs. panic attack

It can be challenging to differentiate between asthma and panic attacks. Both conditions can cause shortness of breath and tightness in the chest.

However, there are a few key differences to look out for.

  • Triggers. Asthma attacks are often triggered by exposure to allergens or irritants, such as dust, pollen, or smoke. Panic attacks, on the other hand, are often triggered by stress or anxiety.
  • Onset. Asthma attacks typically develop gradually, while panic attacks often come on suddenly.
  • Breathing patterns. During an asthma attack, the person may make a wheezing or whistling sound when breathing. During a panic attack, the person may hyperventilate, taking rapid, shallow breaths.
  • Response to medication. Asthma attacks can often be relieved with quick-relief medications like an inhaler. Panic attacks, on the other hand, may not respond to medication in the same way.

If you're unsure whether you're experiencing asthma or panic attacks, seek medical attention. A healthcare provider like CityMD can evaluate your symptoms and help determine the best course of treatment.


How to treat an asthma attack

If you're experiencing an asthma attack, prompt treatment is vital to help you breathe easier and prevent further complications. Here's how to treat an asthma attack.

  • Use your quick-relief inhaler. If you have an inhaler, use it as directed by your healthcare provider. This can help open your airways and relieve symptoms.
  • Stay calm. Anxiety and panic can worsen asthma symptoms, so try to stay calm and breathe slowly and deeply.
  • Sit upright. Sitting upright can also help open your airways and make breathing easier.
  • Seek medical attention. If your symptoms don't improve after using your inhaler, or if you're having difficulty breathing, seek medical attention near you immediately.
  • Follow your asthma action plan. If you have an asthma action plan, follow the steps outlined to manage your symptoms and prevent future attacks.

Remember, work with your healthcare provider to develop an asthma action plan tailored to your needs.

Asthma action plans can help you manage your symptoms. If you're experiencing an asthma attack, act quickly so you can breathe easier.


Asthma treatment at CityMD

At CityMD urgent care centers, we understand the discomfort and anxiety of experiencing an asthma attack. That's why we strive to provide fast and effective asthma treatment to help you breathe easier.

Our trained healthcare providers are equipped to diagnose and treat asthma, whether it's your first-time experiencing symptoms or you need ongoing management.

By visiting CityMD, you can receive prompt care, get prescribed the right medication, and learn strategies to help you manage your symptoms and prevent future asthma attacks.

Are you struggling with your asthma? We’re here for you. Walk into any of our CityMD urgent care locations near you today and take control of your health.

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Visit any CityMD urgent care location in your community today for an evaluation with one of our expert providers.